Dry Creek Ranch

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Happy Beef Month!

Life on the ranch continues to be busy, and May is Beef Month! Posts this month will consist of all things beef related!

We are almost done calving and spring work for the cows is beginning! This last weekend Max got to attend his first branding of the year. Quarantine may still be happening but the cattle still need to be worked!

Next weekend we will work the yearling heifers and the new 2 year old’s that we bought last fall. That will consist of new tags, PregGuard shots, and a shot of lutalyse to help synchronize the cows with the goal that everything will cycle together so they can hopefully get bred in the first 21 days.

We typically hold our branding on Memorial weekend and that is still on our schedule as of now! Branding season is one of our favorite times of the year, and we can’t wait to see everyone again. At branding, we brand our calves and give two different vaccines- a 7-way for clostridial diseases and a 5-way for respiratory diseases.

Once branding season is done, preparing for breeding season comes soon after. We bull breed a majority of our commercial cows but utilize artificial insemination for our registered cows, so spring is also filled with semen testing bulls, ordering semen, ordering all of our hormone shots, and making sure all the cows are in good shape to get bred.

Looking at the meat business side, we will have our first steer go to butcher in mid-May! I am so excited to get beef in our freezers again, so we can get beef into your freezer as well! Stay tuned for an official launch on the website, Facebook, and Instagram!

Happy Spring and Eat Beef!