Dry Creek Ranch

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Life with Max Odell

Max Odell Robison is truly one of a kind. He has such a fiery spirit. He is one of the most determined and kind hearted souls. He is the actual sour patch kid- naughty one minute and the sweetest little boy the next! He is extremely stubborn, too smart for his own good, and drives me nuts 85% of the time. Max is also the life of the party. He is a goofball and definitely going to be the class clown. I won’t be surprised one bit when he’s in the principal’s office someday for saying something he heard his dad say while working cows or trying to do some cool stunts on the playground.

This boy is also 100% cowboy. He loves his horse Dolly. He loves getting to work cows, chase cows, or even just check cows! I bet he tells me at least once a day that he need to go take care of Dolly or go ride Dolly because they have work to do! You won’t find him without his jeans, cowboy boots, and spurs. It absolutely melts my heart to see him love our lifestyle just as much as his dad and me. We say our prayers at night and end them blessing all of our family, “God bless Max. God Bless Daddy. God Bless Mommy. God Bless Hayes. God Bless Foxy and Ruby. And God Bless Dolly.” He always ends with Dolly every night and never forgets to mention her. Those are the sweetest moments that will stick with me forever.

Then we have days where all that little boy can do is get into trouble. Some days is easy for him to do exactly the opposite of everything I say. “Don’t sit on the cat’s head. Don’t sit on your brother. Don’t hit the dogs with your toys. Don’t try to chase the calves in the pen.” It is non-stop pushing my limits some days.

Max Odell has taught me so much in his short 2.5 years of life. He’s taught me patience and understanding. He’s taught me that parents have little control over who their children are as individuals. He’s taught me that we can only do our best to teach our children to make the right choices in life and the rest is up to them. Parenting is hard, but so rewarding!

Max Odell Robison, you will go so far in life! Mom and Dad love you so much!