The Best Way of Life

I can’t count the times I’ve said the words “This is the best way of life!” and I think I mean it more and more each time I say it. I grew up in the ranching lifestyle, but I don’t think I ever truly appreciated it until now when I have my own kids. I see them outside exploring and playing, and never ever bored. They get to use their imaginations. They get to learn how things work, like equipment, animals, soil, and so much more. The greatest blessing we have is they get to be kids. They don’t have the worries and concerns that kids in the urban areas have. My kids get to go outside and not worry about strangers (or bad guys like Little Max says), vehicles driving by, or whether or not they can trust the neighbors. It has allowed my boys’ personalities to blossom.

Little Max is learning that he truly loves the animals, especially the horses. I will go outside and find him in the pen with his pony just having a full blown conversation with her. We got another pony for Hayes, Patsy, who isn’t the friendliest pony around. Broke well, but hard to catch. Most of the time we have to bribe her with grain or rope her to get a halter on her. The other day as we were putting hay in for the big horses, I look over to see Little Max just petting on Patsy. He tells me, “Look Mom! Patsy is easy to catch now!” Now the cows on the other hand, he’s not quite so graceful with! He spends more time barking at them than anything! And yes I mean actually barking. He says he works them better when he’s a dog, but there’s always time to improve there!

Hayes is finding more and more of himself every day. The moment this kid wakes up, he’s grabbing his shoes and trying to get them on so he can go outside. I will find him banging on the front door, just begging to go out. He spends most of his time chasing the chickens outside, which he calls “Chichi”. He also will just start walking towards the pasture and yelling, “Moooooo”. We are in the stage now where every time we go in, he’s kicking and screaming because he just wants to be outside more!

I love that my kids choose the outdoors over screens. Max is getting older and will watch shows a little longer, but honestly he gets bored with them, and I couldn’t pay Hayes enough to get him to sit and watch anything! He wants to be playing, learning, and exploring!

Another reason I believe this is the best way of life for my kids is that they grow up facing realities and the real world. We don’t shy away from talking about death, reproduction, God, etc. My kids have a firm grasp on reality and learn the ability early on for how to deal with those realities. The world can be a harsh place. Nature doesn’t take pity on the weak and vulnerable. The ranching lifestyle teaches my kids quickly that life isn’t fair, and things that we love can easily be taken away from us. I believe ranch kids have common sense and the basic tools in their back pocket to deal with the difficult things that are thrown at them.

I wouldn’t want to raise my babies any other way! I pray that no matter which direction they choose to go in life, they learn to appreciate their opportunities and blessings that the ranching lifestyle has given them. God bless this way of life!

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