Sweet Sweet Summertime

Summertime is always filled with so many fun activities: camping, swimming, a lot of miles horseback, campfires, and spending time with friends and family. Now that I’m a mom, doing all of those activities with my little boy is just that much sweeter! Seeing him eat a s’more for the first time and run through the sprinkler brightens my day. His face lights up every time he tries something new. So much energy and adventure! I think we all need to try a little harder to look at life from a child’s perspective. There is so much good in this world.

Looking back into my own childhood, I remember days spent at the lake with my sisters or the summer days working with our 4-H animals. We also had some of the best water fights. Backyard campfires were one of my favorites. I remember always wanting to have a fire and make s’mores. Another favorite summertime memory would be when I would invite my friends over, and we would saddle up horses, pack our lunches, and go just ride all day long. We would stop at a creek and play in the water and eat our food. I have so many great memories of summer. I can’t wait for my child (someday children) to make priceless memories.

What are your favorite summertime memories and activities??

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